neodisher neomoscan

neodisher Septo Fin

Disinfectant, liquid concentrate

  • bactericidal
  • mycobactericidal
  • fungicidal
  • virucidal
  • sporicidal (C. difficile)
  • based on aldehydes
  • free of formaldehyde and glyoxal

For use in immersion baths or ultrasonic baths. Free of formaldehyde and glyoxal. Excellent material compatibility. VAH[1] listed, included in the IHO[2] disinfectant list, ÖGHMP[3] listed.

  1. [1] Verbund für Angewandte Hygiene (Association of Applied Hygiene) [2] Industrieverband Hygiene und Oberflächenschutz (Industry Association of Surface Protection and Hygiene, Germany) [3] Österreichische Gesellschaft für Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Präventivmedizin (Austrian Society of Hygiene, Microbiology and Preventive Medicine)
Container Content Item no.
Canister 5 L 4207 35
Bottles 6 x 2 L 4207 42

Safety Data Sheet


Product Data Sheet


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