neodisher neomoscan

neodisher® Septo Plus – Efficient cleaning and disinfection with comprehensive active component compatibility

The new cleaning and disinfecting agent for the manual reprocessing of thermostable and thermolabile instruments impresses with very good cleaning performance, excellent material compatibility as well as a broad active ingredient compatibility with aldehyde and peracetic acid containing disinfectants.

It can be used both for manual cleaning and disinfection as well as for the disinfecting pre-cleaning in immersion and ultrasonic baths with optimal personnel protection. neodisher® Septo Plus is bactericidal and yeasticidal as well as active against enveloped viruses (incl. HIV, HBV, HCV), rotavirus and polyomavirus. The disinfecting effect was confirmed according to EN standards as well as to VAH* and RKI/DVV** methods. In addition, neodisher® Septo Plus is VAH-listed and included in the IHO*** disinfectant list.

neodisher® Septo Plus is free of aldehydes and amines as well as free of CMR**** disinfecting active substances and perfumes. Therefore, it is compatible with all common disinfectants and very user-friendly.

neodisher® Septo Plus has been available in specialist shops since May 2017 in a 5 L canister (item no. 4209 35) and in a box of 10 x 1 L bottles (item no. 4209 45).

* “Verbund für Angewandte Hygiene” [German Association of Applied Hygiene]
** Guidelines of the “Robert Koch-Institut” and “Deutsche Vereinigung zur Bekämpfung von Viruskrankheiten” [German Association for the Control of Virus Diseases]
*** “Industrieverband Hygiene und Oberflächenschutz” [German Association for Hygiene and Surface Protection]
**** Carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic to reproduction

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