Identifying needs at an early stage is what Dr. Weigert excels at.
Our products are refined and optimised in the context of close dialogue between our customers, the users in the CSSD and our research department. Identifying customers’ wishes and special requirements at an early stage is one of the key skills of our neodisher® specialist advisors.
Systematic hygiene.
There are very few sectors that are as sensitive to hygiene matters as the medical sector. Together with partners from industry and the Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD), Dr. Weigert has continuously refined the reprocessing procedures for medical instruments.
It is no coincidence that Dr. Weigert has been the market leader for several decades when it comes to innovative reprocessing and application processes that are simple, safe, economical and environmentally friendly while preserving materials and thus retaining value.
Close cooperation with those involved in the reprocessing process, together with their experience, formed the basis for our latest innovation in automated instrument reprocessing, which combines the following properties:
- High concentration with particularly strong cleaning performance so that only a small amount of product needs to be used
- Makes instruments sparkle and shine
- Removes dull deposits, ensuring that instruments maintain an optimum look and feel over the long term
- Sustainable, as it conserves resources
- Excellent material compatibility and thus preserves materials
Find out on the following pages how you too can benefit from the innovative qualities of neodisher® MediClean advanced.

A Head Start Ensures Safety.
neodisher® MediClean advanced represents a new level of performance in automated instrument reprocessing. Outstanding cleaning results have been documented in numerous field tests.
Concentrated and efficient.
The particularly strong cleaning performance of the highly concentrated product has been confirmed in numerous tests.
Brilliance in every detail.
The instruments don’t just have a superficial shine – when they are inspected under a microscope, it becomes clear how well the highly concentrated product cleans while preserving materials.
Impressive look and feel.
Field tests have shown that improved removal of dull deposits restores an optimum look and feel to instruments, which can then be maintained over the long term.
Because less is more.
As less of the product is consumed, logistics in particular can be organised in a more sustainable way.
More value for money.
There is also a strong economic argument for maximum hygiene while simultaneously preserving materials.
Optimized workflow.
The high concentration means we can make everyday work significantly easier for your staff. With fewer canister changes, they will be under less pressure.
Exceptional Performance & Sparkling Results with neodisher® MediClean advanced.

Instruments with dried residues of protein and blood
Instruments reprocessed with neodisher® MediClean advanced

We take customer proximity literally!
Only when the quality of our innovations has proved itself in practice on a lasting basis will our product developers have fulfilled their aim.
Medical instruments and accessories must be reprocessed efficiently and cost-effectively. As a specialist in hygiene solutions for the reprocessing of medical devices, Dr. Weigert knows the various requirements and difficulties associated with the various types of contaminants in individual medical fields.
Intensive discussions with all those responsible for the relevant processes, coupled with our many years of experience, help us to continuously refine and optimise our products and processes. For every challenge, we’ll find the right solution for you – from pre-treatment to cleaning and care of instruments. That means we can guarantee you top-quality results while retaining the value of materials.
If you have any further questions about introducing neodisher® MediClean advanced in your hospital environment and under your individual conditions, please contact your neodisher® specialist advisors.

neodisher® MediClean advanced – the Innovation in the Reprocessing of Medical Devices.
neodisher® MediClean advanced
The innovative, highly concentrated cleaner combines outstanding cleaning performance with maximum efficiency for optimum cost-effectiveness.
- For automated cleaning of thermostable and thermolabile instruments, including MIS and micro instruments, dental instruments, anaesthesia equipment, containers and other medical technology equipment
- For manual cleaning of thermostable and thermolabile instruments in immersion or ultrasound baths
- Suitable for manual and automated cleaning of da Vinci EndoWrist instruments and other instruments used in robot-assisted surgery
220 kg drum
4130 13
20 L canister
4130 26
10 L canister
4130 30
5 L canister
4130 35****
5 L canister
4130 33****
6 x 2 L bottle
4130 41
Application recommendation:
Automated cleaning of thermostable and thermolabile instruments
1 – 3 ml/l (0.1 – 0.3%)* 35 - 60 °C 5 – 15 min**
Automated cleaning of containers made of anodised aluminium
1 – 2 ml/l (0.1 – 0.2%)* 35 - 50 °C 3 – 5 min**
Automated cleaning of instruments for robot-assisted surgery
2 – 3 ml/l (0.2 – 0.3%)* 40 – 60 °C 10 – 30 min***
Manual cleaning of thermostable and thermolabile instruments in immersion and ultrasound baths
1 – 10 ml/l (0.1 – 1%)* max. 40 °C 5 – 30 min**
Manual cleaning of instruments for robot-assisted surgery in immersion and ultrasound baths
5 – 10 ml/l (0.5 – 1%)* max. 40 °C 5 – 30 min**/***
Automated cleaning of flexible endoscopes
2 - 3 ml/l (0,2 - 0,3 %)* 35 - 55 °C 5 - 10 min**
Manual cleaning of flexible endoscopes and endoscopic accessories in immersion and ultrasonic baths
1 - 10 ml/l (0,1 - 1 %)* max. 40 °C 5 - 10 min**
Our Competence – Your Benefit:
highly concentrated maximum efficiency with minimised dosing quantity
reliably removes residues of dried and denatured blood, protein, fat, mucus, secretions and bone dust first-rate cleaning performance owing to the unique formula, based on alkalinity donors, tensides, complexing agents and enzymes
excellent preservation of materials suitable for instruments, optical systems and instruments made of stainless steel (e.g. 1.4301), instrument steel (e.g. 1.4034), titanium, glass, ceramic, plastics that can be reprocessed, materials used in anaesthesia equipment and anodised aluminium
early dosing of the cleaner possible in cold water (immediately after water intake) low-foaming action, which prevents the need for programme terminations
* The dosing quantity depends on the degree of soiling
** Exposure times depend on the water quality, the degree of soiling and the mechanics of cleaning
*** The reprocessing recommendations of the medical device manufacturer in accordance with the requirements of DIN EN ISO 17664 and the procedure tests must be observed
**** Article 413033 is intended for all automated processes, while article 413035 is suitable for the canister console for dosing units for disinfectants such as neomatik® mediDOS

neodisher® CleanTag – the Indicator for Maximum Safety.
neodisher® CleanTag
Cleaning process monitoring indicator for routine monitoring in washer-disinfectors in the process with neodisher® MediClean advanced.
- Three-coloured, self-adhesive indicator, difficult to wash of
- The colours have different compositions and adhesion characteristics
- neodisher® CleanTag Holder: Plastic holder, for reproducible positioning of the indicator in the washer-disinfector for batch monitoring

neodisher® CleanTags
(320 Indicators)

neodisher® CleanTag Holder
(10 pieces)
neodisher® CleanTags are used for routine monitoring of the cleaning process in washer-disinfectors. Printed in three colours, the tags are inserted in the neodisher® CleanTag Holder and applied to an instrument tray. The indicator tags can be folded into an indicator pair here so that both sidesare tested simultaneously in the holder in the cleaning process. neodisher® CleanTags can also be directly attached to metal surfaces, e.g. the washer-disinfector chamber or directly to the metal containers or transport carts to test the spray conditions.
Validation of the defined cleaning process must be performed first of all, using the neodisher® CleanTags. Next, the neodisher® CleanTags can be used for routine monitoring in order to control the process – the outcome is compared with the validation result as a reference. The indicator must not be totally washed off! It is essential for the result of the visual inspection to match the reference. If more indicator residue is visibly left over in subsequent cleaning processes on the neodisher® CleanTags than on the reference indicators from validation, this indicates defective processing.
There are different spraying conditions at each position in the washer-disinfector chamber, and therefore the cleaning effect may vary at times. If neodisher® CleanTags are placed in various positions, the different spraying conditions can be brought to light.
It is advisable to put indicators in the washer-disinfector in each used program at least once a day in order to ensure that there were no changes to the process parameters. For instruments with higher requirements (critical B), it is advisable to use the indicators in each batch, take the test result into account in batch release and document it.* The neodisher® CleanTags can be affixed after use for documentation.
Our Competence – Your Benefit:
for routine monitoring and control of processing in washer-disinfectors changes to the process parameters and errors in the cleaning process can be detected, different spraying conditions can be brought to light
it takes different spraying strengths and detergents with different strengths to wash off the three colours various parameters within the entire process are monitored, eliminating the need for several different test specimens
the neodisher® CleanTag Holder enables easy positioning in the washer-disinfector plastic holder for reproducible positioning of the indicator in the washer-disinfector for process monitoring
self-adhesive indicators that also stick to metal surfaces simply attach after use for documentation; can also be directly attached to metal surfaces, e.g. the washer-disinfector chamber or directly to the metal containers or transport carts to test the spray condition
indicator substances are non-toxic dissolved or dispersed by most cleaning agents and removed with the washing solution in processing
*See the recommendation of the Commission for Hospital Hygiene and Infection Prevention at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI-KRINKO) and the Federal Institute for Pharmaceutical and Medical Products (BfArM): “Hygiene requirements for the processing of medical devices”, page 1269, “batch-specific tests” checklist [RKI-KRINKO BfArM Empfehlung „Anforderungen an die Hygiene bei der Aufbereitung von Medizinprodukten“, Checkliste „chargenbezogene Prüfungen“]

Always Nearby to Answer Your Hygiene Questions – in Europe and Around the World:
Chemische Fabrik
Dr. Weigert GmbH & Co. KG
DE • Hamburg
Dr. Weigert (Schweiz) AG
CH • Zug
Dr. Weigert France SAS
FR • Villepinte
Dr. Weigert
Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H.
AT • Wien
Dr. Weigert Polska Sp. z o.o.
PL • Warszawa
Dr. Weigert UK Ltd
GB • Cannock
Dr. Weigert Belgium N.V.
BE • Kinrooi-Geistingen
Dr. Weigert España S.L.
ES • Madrid
Dr. Weigert Hungária Kft.
HU • Budapest
Dr. Weigert Nederland BV
NL • Assen
Dr. Weigert United States
US • Chicago