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Sustainability Management at Dr. Weigert

Sustainability has become a central component of Dr. Weigert's corporate philosophy. A specially appointed sustainability team is responsible for this important topic and ensures that targets and measures are defined, reviewed and implemented.

To underline the increasing importance of this topic, the position of Sustainability Manager was created last summer.

After working in product management and marketing at Dr. Weigert for 14 years, I am very pleased about my new and important area of responsibility, which I am working on with great commitment and passion. I am firmly convinced that companies play a key role in climate protection and I am committed to ensuring that sustainable practices not only make ecological sense, but also economic sense - so that measures to protect the environment can be implemented by companies in the long term.

Dipl.-Chem. Stefanie Küpper
Sustainability Manager at Dr. Weigert

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Dr. Weigert - Newsletter

In endoNEWS INTERNATIONAL, we inform you once a year about topics related to endoscope reprocessing.