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Dr. Weigert - Hygiene mit System

Dr. Weigert

Sustainability report of the IHO

As a member of the "Industrieverband Hygiene und Oberflächenschutz für industrielle und institutionelle Anwendung e.V. (IHO)", Dr. Weigert contributed…

ISO 14001 - Environmental audit: Successful re-certification

Dr. Weigert is continuing its environmental management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 14001 in 2024 and has confirmed this with an extensive…

Project: Sternenbrücke Children's Hospice

It is estimated that there are up to 50,000 children, adolescents and young adults living in Germany who suffer from illnesses or disabilities that…

Our Sustainability Report - we report on the DNK

The German Sustainability Code (DNK) is a project of the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) and aims to promote sustainable business…

Sustainability upgrade: electric charging points for cars

In July 2023, Dr. Weigert installed two electric charging stations in the employee parking lot. The stations have a total of four charging points.…

Supply Chain Due Diligence Act - Gold certificate

The "Supply Chain Due Diligence Act" is certainly a word monster. But the idea behind it is a good one. Every company should not only comply with…

Sustainable hygiene under control - our sample bottle set

Dr. Weigert has a wide range of products that have been awarded the EU Ecolabel. These range from liquid detergents, powder detergents and rinse aids…

Rowing against cancer 2023

On September 3, 2023, the charity regatta "Rowing against Cancer" took place for the 13th time on Hamburg's Outer Alster Lake and saw a record…

All for water, water for all!

Under this motto, Dr. Weigert is also committed to Viva con Agua and clean drinking water worldwide.

Alongside many other social projects, Dr.…

International Websites: DE | NL | UK | FR | AT | PL | HU | ES | CH | BE

Dr. Weigert - Newsletter

In endoNEWS INTERNATIONAL, we inform you once a year about topics related to endoscope reprocessing.